The Villages Civil War Study Group



For Help Call:
Bruce Smith: 706-315-6939
Ted Raczkowski: 352-259-7157


All presenters must be aware of the following items in order to be sure of having a successful presentation.


You need to have a visual program. We have people who can  help you organize and find images to use for your power point program. 

Do not show news clippings or written pages from a book. Any words/numbers on the screen should either be a table, map or graph or explain the picture being shown. Make sure your font size is at least 40 points. Avoid lengthy quotes or readings. A laser pointer is helpful in showing key areas, following a path or making comparisons.


Our meetings start at 9:00 and you should be there 40 minutes before in order to set up the computer/projector, do a sound check and general orientation.

We usually have about 10 minutes for welcomes, announcements, etc. A presentation between 40 minutes and an hour is ideal with a break about half way. Our meetings should end by 10:30. 


If possible, we ask that you attend our advisory board breakfast, held one week before our monthly meeting to share the highlights of your program with the board. Your breakfast will be on us!  We currently meet at the Perkins restaurant on 441 at 8:30 AM on the last Tuesday of the month.


You will need to supply a short bio for your introduction.